A Berry Important Way to Fend Off Breast Cancer

Wellness Wednesday_Berries

There are so many nutritious foods out there that can help you fight off cancer. According to MDAnderson, no one, single food can prevent cancer. However, if you are willing to stick to a nutritious and healthy diet that includes foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, you have a higher chance of the preventing Breast Cancer.

One VERY IMPORTANT caveat is that you should always check with your physician or oncologist before making any changes to your diet, and remember that these benefits are based on normal serving sizes. Socrates said “Let they food be thy medicine” for a reason. The foods we eat have an impact on how our body functions, down to the cellular level. So, why might you need to let your doctor know you plan to gorge on blueberries (or any other anti-oxidant rich food)? Because, in large enough quantities, the antioxidants we consume can potentially undo the work our treatment is doing.

Since Spring and Summer herald an abundance of juicy berries, this week, we are going to focus on the cancer-fighting benefits of all those juicy gems!

Cancer Fighting Berries

Berries are a great source of Vitamin C and also provide you with antioxidants, which protect the body from cell damage that could eventually lead to several cancers, including Breast Cancer.

Going Beyond The Pink_Berries

Experts at MDAnderson suggest eating half of cups of berries a day. Not sure how to get that 1/2 cup in? Tryadding them in your morning yogurt or cereal, in a low-fat smoothie, or in an oatmeal blueberry muffin. Make a sugar-free jam or fruit spread, or a healthy, homemade sorbet. And, berries make a great on-the-go, poppable snack!

These berry beauties are easy to consume and so good for you! Read on to learn their nutritious benefits:


One of the most famous berries for having antioxidants are Blueberries. It is suggested that if you do have Breast Cancer or have had Breast Cancer to implement Blueberries in your diet whenever possible. It can be added in many foods and is very beneficial to your health. Bonus, blueberries are considered “brain food.” Go get ‘em Einstein!


Raspberries are another good berry to include in your diet if you are looking for ways to fight off cancer. These berries have anti-estrogen properties which aid in preventing cancers, but more importantly aids in fighting off Breast Cancer, particularly those breast cancers that are estrogen based. Oh, and they’re an aphrodisiac, too!


Blackberries are a great source of Vitamin C. As we talked about in a previous Wellness Wednesday blog, Vitamin C can be a great way to fight off Breast Cancer because it protects cells from free radical damage. Consider adding Blackberries into your diets for a boost in Vitamin C, brain health, and added fiber.


Strawberries have great benefits for increasing fiber, vitamins, and antioxidant intake. All of these components can help increase your immune system as well as fight off cancer. For an increased intake of antioxidants dip your strawberries in delicious dark chocolate!

There are so many ways to implement berries into your everyday diet. No matter which berry you prefer, they all can aid in the fight against Breast Cancer. Plus, they’re just darn delicious!

For all of this information and more on the nutritious benefits of berries please visit MDAnderson, and also check out this article on Burying Breast Cancer with Berries.




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