Tracking Your Family Health History

A large part of being a good advocate for your own health lies in making yourself aware of your health risks and predispositions. You may think your health extends only as far as you, when in truth your health is a combination of your genetic makeup, your environment, and your behaviors. In order to be as knowledge about your health as possible, it is important to consider the health of your family as well. How many of your favorite meals came from your parents? How many activities did you do with your siblings growing up? Do several of your uncles have the same medical issues? The answer to all of these questions falls under your family health history.

It can be hard to gather this information - oftentimes health complications are not the topic of choice when speaking with your relatives, but family gatherings such as those during the Fall holiday season can be perfect to do just that.

Having this knowledge allows you to take precautionary steps to reduce your chances of developing the condition, and gives you the opportunity to keep an eye out for early warning signs of the condition. It does not guarantee that you will develop this same condition, just as it does not ensure you will not get develop a condition just because it is not common in your family.

Speaking with your doctor about the steps to take regarding your family health history may reveal a need for early screening tests that could be potentially life-saving, or showcase a need for lifestyle changes that will grant you more holiday seasons seated around the dinner table with your family for years to come.

Information to Know

  • Major Medical Conditions

  • Causes of Death

  • Age at Diagnosis

  • Age at Death

  • Ethnic background

Questions to Ask

  • Do you or has anyone in our family had any long-term health problem, such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, or lung disease?

  • Do you or has anyone in our family had any health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, or anything else?

  • Has anyone in our family had any other serious illness, such as cancer of any form, stroke, Alzheimer’s/dementia, osteoporosis, or a birth disorder?

  • Have they recovered from or managed their illnesses?

  • How were their illnesses treated?


Find Going Beyond the Pink’s FREE downloadable Family Health Tracking Form below to easily keep track of all of the information you need to be the best advocate you can be for your own health and wellness.


For more resources on Family Health History, check out the CDC’s The Basics


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